Monday, August 13, 2012

Flickr versus Instagram

Jockey's Ridge
Originally uploaded by photo516.

After weeks of being addicted to Instragram, I started to miss my old love, Flickr.

I spent some time on Flickr this evening. It is so rich (and complicated) with features. I can imagine Instagram adding features, but I hope not too many. I think Instagram is supposed to be simple like Twitter.

There is one thing that I'm trying with Flickr that I learned on Instagram. Be generous with the likes and favorites. We'll see what happens on Flickr if I do that.

There's tons of great stuff to like on Flickr. You can browse it for hours. The web site works great. Unfortunately, favoriting a photo with the Android app isn't as easy as double-tap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's so nice to see pictures that aren't square! That alone is worth it on Flickr.